Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Merchants of 30 Years ago furnished R. R. Fare - Raton, NM Pioneer Days August 8-11, 1935 - 1 p Newspaper Article

Master list item #:79

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article

Buy bill of goods and thy paid your way to come and get it this article is an Old time document that has a list of merchants. List of Merchants mentioned:

Colno Bros., Alexander Groton Co., Price Shoe and Clo. Co., Schweder's Drug Store, The Golden Rule Cash Store, J. A. McIntosh, Hobbs Hardware, Gate City Drug Store, Fugate Fry Furn. Co., Raton Music Co., Mrs. Eaton Milinary, Raton Supply Co., S. A. Sandusky, C. W. Sinnock, Stockton Cattle Company, Wm. L. Degner Meat Market, Mrs. A. H. Carey, Givens and Jackson, Mrs. G. R. Engledow, Ira Duckworth, Woodward and Nutting Drug Store, W. G. Hughey, Raton Publishing Co. , Seaberg European Hotel, C. A. Whited, Rush Lumber Co., Badger and Crane, George B. Berringer, Publisher Raton Reporter, King and Jones.

Seaberg, Hugo

August 1, 1906

Business History
Business Contracts
Merchant History

Raton, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Business 36