Bullock, Alice
They Couldn't Return to New Mexico Alice Bullock - Santa Fe, NM The New Mexicain January 4, 1976 - 4 p. Newspaper article
Master list item #: 62
File location is in the New Mexico file Cabinet
Article is about the August 21, 1680 Rebellion of the Spaniards and their retreat from Santa Fe. With the aid of the Isleta Indians (Ysleta) retreating Spaniards were able to survive. The Isleta's were of Tigua Indian heritage.
Tigua Indians
Isleta Indians (Ysleta Indians)
Spanish Rebellions
Santa Fe, New Mexico
El Paso, Texas
New Mexico - Indians - File #2 36
They Couldn't Return to New Mexico Alice Bullock - Santa Fe, NM The New Mexicain January 4, 1976 - 4 p. Newspaper article
Master list item #: 62
File location is in the New Mexico file Cabinet
Article is about the August 21, 1680 Rebellion of the Spaniards and their retreat from Santa Fe. With the aid of the Isleta Indians (Ysleta) retreating Spaniards were able to survive. The Isleta's were of Tigua Indian heritage.
Tigua Indians
Isleta Indians (Ysleta Indians)
Spanish Rebellions
Santa Fe, New Mexico
El Paso, Texas
New Mexico - Indians - File #2 36