Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Looking Back : Ol' "Dough Belly" Price - Raton, NM Raton Range February 12, 1979 - 1 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range 2-12-79 Looking Back .

Mater List Item # 37

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Newspaper article + Photograph of Ol' "Dough Belly" Price

Article Reads: Ol' "Dough Belly" Price was a character, as well as a good horseman. He's pictured here winning the state championship in the Cowboys Reunion in Las Vegas in the 30s. And his advertisement for a "dancing and drinking" establishment at Cimarron says, "Whiskey rotten, headache assured -- Outlet for consumed beer handy." This photo was loaned to the Range's "Looking Back" series by Fred Price of Raton.

Price, Dough Belly

Cowboys Reunion

Rodeo Champians

Las Vegas, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Cimarron - Rodeo 36