Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia
Blackmantle a triumph : a book of the Keltiad Patricia Kennealy-Morrison - New York HarperPrism 1998 1997 - 605 pages maps 18 cm - A Book of Keltiad .
High Queen Athlyn Cahanagh risks everything as she ventures along the perilous Low Road to find and restore her beloved Morric Douglas, a great bard, killed by her evil rival Amzalsune, in the seventh book of The Keltiad saga.
0061056103 9780061056109
Arthur King --Fiction
Keltia (Imaginary place)--Fiction
Arthurian romances--Adaptations
PS3561.E42465 / B57 1998
Ken 33
Blackmantle a triumph : a book of the Keltiad Patricia Kennealy-Morrison - New York HarperPrism 1998 1997 - 605 pages maps 18 cm - A Book of Keltiad .
High Queen Athlyn Cahanagh risks everything as she ventures along the perilous Low Road to find and restore her beloved Morric Douglas, a great bard, killed by her evil rival Amzalsune, in the seventh book of The Keltiad saga.
0061056103 9780061056109
Arthur King --Fiction
Keltia (Imaginary place)--Fiction
Arthurian romances--Adaptations
PS3561.E42465 / B57 1998
Ken 33