Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

Nuclear weapons / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. - Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2009. - 118 p. ; 24 cm. - At issue. International politics . - .

The proliferation of nuclear weapons is a serious problem / Conn Hallinan -- Iran poses a serious nuclear threat / Economist -- The United States can manage a nuclear Iran / Barry R. Posen -- The United States should attack Iran to prevent its use of nuclear weapons / Norman Podhoretz -- Strong sanctions will prevent Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons / Ivo H. Daalder and Philip H. Gordon -- Israel may preemptively strike Iran to prevent its use of nuclear weapons / Peter Brooks -- Israel should not preemptively strike Iran / Bermard Avishai and Reza Aslan -- North Korea is taking steps to end its nuclear weapons program / George W. Bush -- Some believe North Korea's efforts to end its nuclear weapons program are inadequate / Jayshree Bajoria -- Pakistan's nuclear proliferation poses a serious global threat / Amy Goodman -- The United States can contain nuclear proliferation in Pakistan / Michael Krepon -- The threat of nuclear terrorism is real / Matthew Bunn -- Fears that terrorists will obtain nuclear weapons are misplaced -- Sonia Ben Ouagrham-Gormley -- The United States should aggressively promote nuclear disarmament / George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A Kissinger, and Sam Nunn -- The United States should resurrect the comprehensive test-ban treaty / Michael O'Hanlon.

Contains thirteen essays that address issues concerning nuclear weapons, discussing the seriousness of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the United States' management of Iran, North Korea's nuclear program, and other topics.

9780737743081 0737743085 9780737743074 (pbk.) 0737743077 (pbk.)


Nuclear nonproliferation
Nuclear nonproliferation--Government policy--United States
Nuclear arms control--Government policy--United States
Nuclear nonproliferation--Iran
Nuclear arms control--Iran
Nuclear nonproliferation--North Korea
Nuclear arms control--North Korea
Nuclear nonproliferation--Pakistan
Nuclear arms control--Pakistan
Nuclear nonproliferation.
Nuclear nonproliferation--Government policy--United States.
Nuclear arms control--Government policy--United States.
Nuclear nonproliferation--Iran.
Nuclear arms control--Iran.
Nuclear nonproliferation--Korea (North)
Nuclear arms control--Korea (North)
Nuclear nonproliferation--Pakistan.
Nuclear arms control--Pakistan.

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