Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

60 Years Ago From the Cimarron News and Press, January 28, 1876 - Raton, New Mexico Raton Range August 8-11, 1935 - 1 p Newspaper Clipping - Raton Range August 8-11, 1935 Pioneer Days Edition .

Mater List Item # 14

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Newspaper Clipping

Article about the appointment of postmaster in Cimarron, New Mexico from the Cimarron News and Press Issue of Jan. 28, 1876

Mills, M. W.
Longwill--Resigning Postmaster
Dawson, W. D. --Deputy Postmaster
Albion, Jesus--County Commissioners
Hennell, John--County Commissioners
Lacy, Francis W. --County Commissioners

Mail Humor

Cimarron River--Cimarron, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Cimarron 36