Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Museum Visitors - Raton, NM Raton Range December 5, 1984 - 1 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range December 5, 1984 .

Master list item #: 34

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + Photograph of Bob Widgren and Elizabeth Dear

This article is about two Museum of New Mexico officials at the Raton Museum to install their traveling exhibit "Juegos yJuguetes"

Widgren, Bob--Exibit Coordinator
Dear, Elizabeth--Programs and Education Director
Hughes, Emily

Museum of New Mexico
Raton Museum

Traveling Exhibits
Museum Exhibits
Christmas Toys and Games Exhibits

Raton, New Mexico

Raton - Colfax County Society of Art, History & Archeology and Raton Museum 36