Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Museum here gets etching - Raton, NM Raton Range March 27, 1979 - 3 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range March 27, 1979 .

Master list item #: 58

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + Photograph of Winter Sun

This article is about Museum of New Mexico gifting to the Raton Museum "Winter Sun" the etching by Doel Reed.

Reed, Doel--Artist
Strel, Don--Director of the Museum of Fine Arts

Museum of New Mexico
Raton Museum
Museum of Fine Arts

Museum Gifts
Museum Exhibits
Exhibit History
Artist History

Governor's Gallery--Santa Fe, New Mexico
Taos, New Mexico

Raton - Colfax County Society of Art, History & Archeology and Raton Museum 36