Luhan, Mabel Dodge
Movers and Shakers Movers & Shakers Mabel Dodge Luhan - New York Harcourt, Brace and Company 1936 - 542 p - Intimate Memories Volume III Movers and Shakers .
vol. 1. Background (1933) --
vol. 2. European experiences (1935) --
Movers and shakers (1936) --
vol. 4. Edge of Taos desert (1937).
Mabel Dodge Luhan's Intimate Memories offers the brilliantly edited memoirs of one woman's rebellion against "the whole ghastly social structure" under which the United States had been buried since the Victorian era. Luhan fled the Gilded Age prison of the upper classes to lead a life of notoriety among Europe and America's leading artists, writers, and social visionaries--among them D. H. Lawrence, Gertrude Stein, and John Reed. Intimate Memories details Luhan's assemblage of a series of utopian domains aimed at curing the malaise of the modern age and shows Luhan not just as a visionary hostess but as a talented and important writer. Googlebooks
Luhan, Mabel Dodge 1879-1962
Therapeutic Cults--Taos (N.M.)
Intellectual life--Taos (N.M.)
Holistic Health--Taos (N.M.)
Biography--Taos (N.M.)
928.1 Luh 48
Movers and Shakers Movers & Shakers Mabel Dodge Luhan - New York Harcourt, Brace and Company 1936 - 542 p - Intimate Memories Volume III Movers and Shakers .
vol. 1. Background (1933) --
vol. 2. European experiences (1935) --
Movers and shakers (1936) --
vol. 4. Edge of Taos desert (1937).
Mabel Dodge Luhan's Intimate Memories offers the brilliantly edited memoirs of one woman's rebellion against "the whole ghastly social structure" under which the United States had been buried since the Victorian era. Luhan fled the Gilded Age prison of the upper classes to lead a life of notoriety among Europe and America's leading artists, writers, and social visionaries--among them D. H. Lawrence, Gertrude Stein, and John Reed. Intimate Memories details Luhan's assemblage of a series of utopian domains aimed at curing the malaise of the modern age and shows Luhan not just as a visionary hostess but as a talented and important writer. Googlebooks
Luhan, Mabel Dodge 1879-1962
Therapeutic Cults--Taos (N.M.)
Intellectual life--Taos (N.M.)
Holistic Health--Taos (N.M.)
Biography--Taos (N.M.)
928.1 Luh 48