Asimov, Isaac, frey50
A double planet? Pluto and Charon / by Isaac Asimov ; with revisions and updating by Greg Walz-Chojnacki. - Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1996. - 32 p. - Isaac Asimov's New library of the universe . - .
Rev. ed. of: Pluto. 1990. Includes index.
Discusses the smallest, most distant, and most mysterious planet in our solar system, its discovery, its peculiar orbit, and its recently discovered satellite.
0836812328 (lib. bdg.)
95040350 /AC
Pluto (Planet)--Juvenile literature.
Charon (Satellite)--Juvenile literature.
Pluto (Planet)
Charon (Satellite)
j523.482 Asi 25
A double planet? Pluto and Charon / by Isaac Asimov ; with revisions and updating by Greg Walz-Chojnacki. - Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1996. - 32 p. - Isaac Asimov's New library of the universe . - .
Rev. ed. of: Pluto. 1990. Includes index.
Discusses the smallest, most distant, and most mysterious planet in our solar system, its discovery, its peculiar orbit, and its recently discovered satellite.
0836812328 (lib. bdg.)
95040350 /AC
Pluto (Planet)--Juvenile literature.
Charon (Satellite)--Juvenile literature.
Pluto (Planet)
Charon (Satellite)
j523.482 Asi 25