Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Museum Features Civil War Display - Raton, NM Raton Range August 25, 1992 - 1 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range August 25, 1992 .

Master list item #: 27

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper Article

Article is about the traveling exhibit "The Civil War in the West; The Confederate Campaign in New Mexico, 1862" at the Raton Museum

Shropshire, John--Major
Hanna, Ebineezer--Private
Cotton, S. L. --Private

Raton Museum
Institute of Museum Services
New mexico Endowment for the Humanities
Museum of New Mexico Foundation

Civil War Display
Museum Exhibits
Confederate Soldiers
Traveling Exhibits

First Street
Raton, New Mexico

Raton - Colfax County Society of Art, History & Archeology and Raton Museum 36