Byrd, Richard Evelyn
Skyward man's mastery of the air as shown by the brilliant flights of America's leading air explorer. His life, his thrilling adventures, his North pole and trans-Atlantic flights, together with his plans for conquering the Antarctic by air Richard Evelyn Byrd - New York Blue Ribbon Books 1928 - xiv, 359 p.
Maps on lining-papers.
Flyer's viewpoint --
Learning to fly --
Thwarted hopes --
First trans-Atlantic flight --
Political interlude --
The ZR-2 disaster --
I turn explorer --
The North Pole --
Success at last! --
This hero business --
Trans-Atlanttic flight --
A narrow escape --
In defense of spectacular flights --
The last challenge --
Behind the scenes --
A glimpse into the future.
Byrd, Richard Evelyn 1888-1957 Biography
Air pilots --United States
Aeronautics --United States
919.8 Byr 15
Skyward man's mastery of the air as shown by the brilliant flights of America's leading air explorer. His life, his thrilling adventures, his North pole and trans-Atlantic flights, together with his plans for conquering the Antarctic by air Richard Evelyn Byrd - New York Blue Ribbon Books 1928 - xiv, 359 p.
Maps on lining-papers.
Flyer's viewpoint --
Learning to fly --
Thwarted hopes --
First trans-Atlantic flight --
Political interlude --
The ZR-2 disaster --
I turn explorer --
The North Pole --
Success at last! --
This hero business --
Trans-Atlanttic flight --
A narrow escape --
In defense of spectacular flights --
The last challenge --
Behind the scenes --
A glimpse into the future.
Byrd, Richard Evelyn 1888-1957 Biography
Air pilots --United States
Aeronautics --United States
919.8 Byr 15