Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Factory farming Debra A. Miller, book editor - Detroit Greenhaven Press, 2010. - 183 p. 24 cm. - Current controversies .

ch. 1: Is factory farming economically beneficial? -- Yes: Factory farming is economically beneficial: Modern farming techniques are essential to provide food to a fast-growing world population / Chuck Jolley -- Modern animal agriculture methods are efficient, highly productive, and sustainable / Animal Agriculture Alliance -- U.S. dairy farmers are feeding the world by producting quality foods / Pam Taylor -- No: Factory farming is not economically beneficial: It is a myth that industrialized agriculture produces cheap food to feed the world / Lenny Russo -- Factory-farmed, meat-based diets may cause a food scarcity crisis / Jim Motavalli -- Factory farms are not more efficient or economically beneficial than conventional family farms / William J. Weida -- ch. 2: Is factory farming an ethical way to treat animals? -- Yes: Factory farming is an ethical way to treat animals: Producers of animal food products are committed to animal welfare / Animal Agriculture Alliance -- The meat packing industry promotes the welfare of animals / American Meat Institute -- Providing humans with quality food is more important that animal welfare / Justine Brian -- No: Factory farming is not an ethical way to treat animals: The treatment of animals in factory farms is a serious moral wrong / Peter Singer -- Standard factory farming practices constitute legalized animal abuse / The Humane Society of the United States -- Factory farms violate the Christian duty to act as stewards of God's creation / Michael Bruner -- ch. 3: Does factory farming harm human health or the environment? -- Yes: Factory farming harms human health and the environment: Industrial food animal production is a growing public health threat / Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production -- Factory farming damages land and water / George Wuerthner -- Factory farming is unleashing new disease like Swine Flu / Ben Macintyre -- Factory farming contributes to Pfiesteria outbreaks / Sierra Club -- No: Factory farming does not harm human health or the environment: Technologies soon will be developed to produce meat without harm to the environment / Kevin Slaten -- In Vitro meat production could provide a sustainable way to produce meat / Stig Omholt -- ch. 4: What is the future of factory farming? -- Commercial agriculture will continue to play a role in agriculture policy / George McGovern and Marshall Matz -- Industrial agriculture must be carefully regulated in the future / Will Allen -- Industrial animal agriculture must transition to a more sustainable system / Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production -- The world must abandon the commodity approach to food / Greg Bowman -- Enlightened agriculture is the key to future farming and meat production / Colin Tudge.

Contains essays that offer a variety of perspectives on the issue of factory farming, debating whether factory farming is economically beneficial, ethical, or harmful to human health or the environment, and considering the future of the industry.

9780737749090 (hardcover) 0737749091 (hardcover)


Factory farms.
Livestock farms.
Livestock industry.
Meat industry.

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