Forster, Elizabeth W.
Denizens of the desert a tale in word and picture of life among the Navaho Indians Elizabeth W. Forster and Laura Gilpin; Edited by Martha A. Sandweiss - Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1988 - 140 p
Provides a personal account of life in a small Navaho community by a field nurse in Arizona. Googlebooks
Forster, Elizabeth W. --Correspondence
Social life and customs
Social life and customs--Southwest, New
Correspondence--Navajo Indian Reservation
979.00497 For 48
Denizens of the desert a tale in word and picture of life among the Navaho Indians Elizabeth W. Forster and Laura Gilpin; Edited by Martha A. Sandweiss - Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1988 - 140 p
Provides a personal account of life in a small Navaho community by a field nurse in Arizona. Googlebooks
Forster, Elizabeth W. --Correspondence
Social life and customs
Social life and customs--Southwest, New
Correspondence--Navajo Indian Reservation
979.00497 For 48