Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Bullock, Alice

Squaw tree; ghosts, mysteries and miracles of New Mexico The squaw tree; ghosts, mysteries and miracles of New Mexico - Santa Fe, New Mexico Lightning Tree Press 1978 - 96 p.

A spirited account of ghosts that haunt New Mexico, from an old saloon in Cimarron to a modern restaurant in Las Cruces; from obscure mountain villages to the laboratories of Los Alamos. Here are witches and poltergeists; a head that rolls down Old Santa Fe Trail; tragic lovers and flying cows; a phantom girl on the road to Bernalillo; Dennis Hopper coping with the ghost of Mabel Dodge. Stories too of local traditions mysterious to outsiders... Folkways and tales are part of a culture, the superstitions, beliefs and rituals of a people and their enduring need of the miraculous. Some of these are handed down by word of mouth, some retold from older sources, many told directly to Alice Bullock who is herself one of the legends of New Mexico. No ghost she, but a lively spirit haunting the countryside in search of characters and stories, which - as this book attests - she finds in abundance -- Back cover

9780890160411 0890160414

Miracles of New Mexico
Legends --New Mexico

New Mexico

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