McWilliams, C.S.
"Progress?...YEC-C-C-H-H!!!" C.S. McWilliams - Cimarron, NM Cimarron Legend November 23, 1992 - 2 p Newspaper Article
Master List Item # 34
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Article on the new digital technology and have to go from dialing 4 digits in the village of Cimarron to having to dial 7 digits.
Miller, Leah
Gonzales, Lisa
Heck, Darlene
Verdum, Brandon
Rohsner, Margaret
Cetrulo, Francie
Cimarron Art Gallery
US West
Phone Dialing
Digital Technology
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Colfax County - People, or Topics of Interest - Stories, Legends and Tales 36
"Progress?...YEC-C-C-H-H!!!" C.S. McWilliams - Cimarron, NM Cimarron Legend November 23, 1992 - 2 p Newspaper Article
Master List Item # 34
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Article on the new digital technology and have to go from dialing 4 digits in the village of Cimarron to having to dial 7 digits.
Miller, Leah
Gonzales, Lisa
Heck, Darlene
Verdum, Brandon
Rohsner, Margaret
Cetrulo, Francie
Cimarron Art Gallery
US West
Phone Dialing
Digital Technology
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Colfax County - People, or Topics of Interest - Stories, Legends and Tales 36