Sarah Frances Hart & John Edwin Lane.
- 2 Black and White Photographs
Master list item #: 59
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Two Black and White photographs - From the Collection of Victor Grant
Pioneers of Ponil Park and Cimarron, The other copy of this photograph is in the Victor Grant Collection files.
Hart, Frances Sarah
Lane, John Edwin
Ponil Park
Family Photographs
Pioneer Photographs
Historic Photographs
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cimarron & Chase Ranch - Photos 36
Master list item #: 59
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Two Black and White photographs - From the Collection of Victor Grant
Pioneers of Ponil Park and Cimarron, The other copy of this photograph is in the Victor Grant Collection files.
Hart, Frances Sarah
Lane, John Edwin
Ponil Park
Family Photographs
Pioneer Photographs
Historic Photographs
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cimarron & Chase Ranch - Photos 36