Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Beshoar, Barron B.

Hippocrates in a red vest: The biography of a frontier doctor / Barron B. Beshoar - Palo Alto, California American West Publishing Company 1973 - 352 p.

Hippocrates in a red vest is a warm, human biography of a frontier doctor who not only brought his compassion and healing talents to the rugged country of Southern Colorado, but who envisioned the land as one of myriad opportunities and numerous challenges. By the time he reached his mid-thirties (circa 1866) Michael Bishoar had participated on both sides in the Civil War as a surgeon, had established a private medical practice , had become an editor, legislator, judge, farmer, cotton speculator, businessman, and mayor of Dobytown, the toughest town on the Oregon Trail.


Beshoar, Michael 1833-1907.

Frontier and pioneer life --Colorado.
History of Medicine.

921 Bes Bes 48