Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

People of the Hidden Valley Guidebook to Picuris Peblo - Taos County, New Mexico August 19, 1966 - 15 p. Leaflet

Master list item #: 94

File location is in the New Mexico file Cabinet

The Excavations : Kivas, Rooms and Storage Pits
Castillo Viejo
Round House
San Lorenzo de Picuris Church
San Lorenzo Day
Picuris Language
Picuris History
Maps and Illustrations

Guidebook to the Picuris Pueblo, also popularly known as San Lorenzo. Located in southern Taos County, two miles west of the Spanish community of Penasco.

Pueblo Indians
Indian Excavations
Indian Language
Indian History
Indian Life and Customs

Picuris Pueblo
San Lorenzo Pueblo
Taos County

New Mexico - Indians - File #2 36