Schroeder, Eric frey50
Muhammad's People A tale by Anthology the religion and politics poetry and violence science ribaldry & finance of the Muslims from the age of ignorance before Islam and the Mission of Gods prophet to sophistication in the eleventh century by Eric Schroeder - Portland The Bond Wheelwright Company Publishers 1955 - 838 p.
Includes index
The desert: Arab chivalry of the ignorance before Muhammad -- The apostle and the book -- The fight for life -- The first caliph -- The caliphate of conquest -- Misrule -- Civil war -- The world and the flesh -- The first Abbasid caliphs and the building of Baghdad -- Harun al-Rashid -- The brothers' war -- Intelligence -- Restlessness -- Violence and quietism -- Money, money, money: the life and death of a vizier -- A saint and his fate -- A government job: episodes from the life of a provincial state clerk -- The passing of the age of reason -- The last actual caliphs -- The sophisticated -- The sword and the pen: princes and clerks -- Despair -- Comedies -- Ornament: the tongue of Abu Zayd -- The man who never laughed again -- The mystic path: a dervish autobiography -- The abyss -- The public road -- Appendix: Muslim science: the body and the doctor -- Chronology of caliphates.
Islamic civilization
Islamic Empire
892 Sch 14
Muhammad's People A tale by Anthology the religion and politics poetry and violence science ribaldry & finance of the Muslims from the age of ignorance before Islam and the Mission of Gods prophet to sophistication in the eleventh century by Eric Schroeder - Portland The Bond Wheelwright Company Publishers 1955 - 838 p.
Includes index
The desert: Arab chivalry of the ignorance before Muhammad -- The apostle and the book -- The fight for life -- The first caliph -- The caliphate of conquest -- Misrule -- Civil war -- The world and the flesh -- The first Abbasid caliphs and the building of Baghdad -- Harun al-Rashid -- The brothers' war -- Intelligence -- Restlessness -- Violence and quietism -- Money, money, money: the life and death of a vizier -- A saint and his fate -- A government job: episodes from the life of a provincial state clerk -- The passing of the age of reason -- The last actual caliphs -- The sophisticated -- The sword and the pen: princes and clerks -- Despair -- Comedies -- Ornament: the tongue of Abu Zayd -- The man who never laughed again -- The mystic path: a dervish autobiography -- The abyss -- The public road -- Appendix: Muslim science: the body and the doctor -- Chronology of caliphates.
Islamic civilization
Islamic Empire
892 Sch 14