Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Scaffold Hijinx - Raton, NM Cimarron Legend December 21, 1992 - 1 p. Newspaper Article

Mater List Item # 8

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Newspaper article + photograph of Steve Rick and David Kenneke

Article reads:

Scaffold Hijinx - Steve Rick and David Kenneke provide the manpower behind the recent renovation of the St. James Hotel's outer crust. The new plaster is beige in color, a startling change from the previous pink we're used to find gracing Cimarron's oldest, tallest hot spot. As Mr. Rick put it, "now, instead of a pink elephant, we have a white elephant!"

Rick, Steve
Kenneke, David

St. James Hotel

Building Painting
Building Repairs

Cimarron, New Mexico

New Mexico - Colfax County - Locations - Saint James Hotel 36