Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Displays light up season - Raton, NM Raton Range December 20, 1991 - 1 p. Newspaper Article - Raton Range December 20, 1991 .

Master list item #: 12

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + 2 photographs 1) John Klinger and Jay Miller 2)Virgil Buscarini 46 Annual

This article is about the setting up of the Winter Wonderland and City of Bethlehem.

Buscarini, Virgil
Klinger, John--Mine Manager
Miller, Jay--Guest Speaker

Raton Lions Club

Holiday Displays
Christmas Displays
Holiday Traditions
Storybook Characters
Annual Traditions

City of Bethlehem
Climax Canyon
First Street Flea Market
Gambles Building
Apache Avenue
Raton, New Mexico

NM - Cities & Towns - Raton - City of Bethlehem 36