Mary Elizabeth Davis Lambert
- 1 Black and White Photograph
Master list item #: 63
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Black and White photographs - From the Collection of Victor Grant
Photo of Mary Elizabeth Davis Lambert who was the second wife of Henry Lambert, Mother to Fred Lambert.
Lambert, Mary Elizabeth Davis
Lambert, Henry
Lambert, Fred
Female Photographs
Familly Photograhs
Historic Photographs
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cimarron & Chase Ranch - Photos 36
Master list item #: 63
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Black and White photographs - From the Collection of Victor Grant
Photo of Mary Elizabeth Davis Lambert who was the second wife of Henry Lambert, Mother to Fred Lambert.
Lambert, Mary Elizabeth Davis
Lambert, Henry
Lambert, Fred
Female Photographs
Familly Photograhs
Historic Photographs
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cimarron & Chase Ranch - Photos 36