Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Kildare, Maurice

The Assassination of Parson Tolby Maurice Kildare - Unknown Unknown Unknown - 5 p. Magazine Article

Mater List Item # 28

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Magazine article + Photographs of Reverend and Mrs. F. J. Tolby, Elizabethtown schoolhouse, Elizabethtown, R. C. Clay Allison, Cimarron, Cimarron City jail and Miguel Otero

This article is about the murder of Cimarron Parson Tolby on his way back from Elizabethtown, sparking the Colfax County War...

Tolby, T. J. (Rev.)
Rinehart, Isaac R.--Sheriff
Allison, Clay (Robert A.) 1840 - 1887
Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte
Mills, M. W. --Lawyer
Morey, William Raymond
Axtell, Samuel B. --New Mexico Governor
Otero, Miguel
Longwill, R. H. Dr.
Griego, Fancisco (Pancho)--Deputy Sheriff and Foreman of The Colfax County Grand Jury
McMains, Oscar P. (Reverend)
Vega, Cruz
Cardenas, Manuel

Maxwell Land Grant and Railroad Company
Santa Fe Ring
Cimarron News and Press

Colfax County War

Gun Fights
Corrupt Officials
County Wars
Legal Battles

Otero, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico
Elizabethtown, New Mexico
Trinidad, Colorado

New Mexico - Colfax County - People, Places, and Topics of Interest - Biographies 36