Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars by Burroughs, Edgar Rice Publication: Nelson Doubleday & C 1913 . 336 p Date: 1913 Availability: Items available: [Bur] (1),
2. Mars: our mysterious neighbor. by Asimov, Isaac frey50 Publication: Milwaukee, Mn Gareth Stevens 1988 . 32 p. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: [j523.43 Asi] (1),
3. Thuvia, maid of Mars by Burroughs, Edgar Rice Publication: New York Ballantine Books 1963 . 158 p. Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [Bur] (1),
4. Boundary by Flint, Eric Publication: Riverdale, N.Y. Baen 2008 . 598 pages , Originally published: 2006. 18 cm Date: 2008 Availability: Items available: [Fli] (1),