Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Riordan, Rick

Last King of Texas The Last King of Texas Rick Riordan. - New York Bantam Books 2000 - 320 pages 25 cm. - Tres Navarre Book 3 .

Tres Navarre ; book 3.

For his first two novels featuring PI Tres Navarre, Rick Riordan garnered the Anthony, Shamus, and Edgar Awards--a trio that few seasoned Mystery careerists can claim. In this third, equally entertaining installment, Riordan casts Navarre according to the other piece of his quirky skill set: his Ph. D. in English literature from UC Berkeley. While the worst-case scenario envisioned by most professors at the University of Texas at San Antonio probably involves lost essays or a failed tenure bid, recently the medievalists at UTSA have wound up deader than their favorite language. At first, the deaths seemed like accidents.



Navarre, Tres (Fictitious character)
Private investigators
English teachers


PS3568.I5866 / L37 2000

Rio 30

Riordan, R.