Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Macy, Beth

Dopesick dealers, doctors, and the drug company that addicted America Beth Macy. - Unabridged. - New York Hachette Audio 2018 - 9 audio discs (approximately 10 hr., 30 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. -

Title from disc label. Compact discs. "Includes a PDF of photos"--Container. Disc 9 contains the conclusion to the book and includes PDF files (Mac & PC compatible).

In this masterful work, Beth Macy takes us into an epicenter of America's twenty-plus year struggle with opioid addiction. The first to chart the tragic spread of prescription and street drugs from distressed small communities in Central Appalachia to wealthy suburbs, disparate cities, and once-idyllic farm towns, a trajectory that explains how the crisis persisted for so long and became so entrenched.

9781549194689 1549194682

2-Y9468 Hachette Audio

Opioid abuse--United States.
Medication abuse--United States.
Oxycodone abuse--United States.
Business & Economics--Industries--Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology.

RC568.O45 / M33 2018ab

362.290973 Mac 34