Cimarron braves upset #1 Pirates
- Cimarron, New Mexico Cimarron Legend June 25, 1992
- 1 pg Newspaper Article
Master List item # 90
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Article on the Springer little league and Cimarron Little League playing their game in June playing their last game of the season.
Palmer, Brian
Esparza, Anthony (A.E.)
Safrenek, Steve
Machuca, J.D.
Valdez, Sam
Taylor, Mason
Chiaramonte, Anthony "Ace"
Taylor, Rod
Lopez, Wesley
LeDoux, Matthew
Villa, Gilbert
Safranek, Steve
Cortez, Lucas
Villa, Ernie
Johnston, Kody
Safranek, Tom
The Springer Little League
Cimarron Little League
Springer, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities & Town - Cimarron 36
Master List item # 90
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Article on the Springer little league and Cimarron Little League playing their game in June playing their last game of the season.
Palmer, Brian
Esparza, Anthony (A.E.)
Safrenek, Steve
Machuca, J.D.
Valdez, Sam
Taylor, Mason
Chiaramonte, Anthony "Ace"
Taylor, Rod
Lopez, Wesley
LeDoux, Matthew
Villa, Gilbert
Safranek, Steve
Cortez, Lucas
Villa, Ernie
Johnston, Kody
Safranek, Tom
The Springer Little League
Cimarron Little League
Springer, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities & Town - Cimarron 36