Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Claim to fame / by Suzanne, Jamie. frey50 Publication: Toronto ; | New York : Bantam, 1988 . 106 p. ; , "A Bantam Skylark book." 20 cm. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: (),
2. Elizabeth's new hero / by Suzanne, Jamie. frey50 Publication: New York, NY : Bantam Books, 1989 . 102 p. ; , "A Bantam Skylark Book" 20 cm. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: (),
3. Granny the Pag by Bawden, Nina Publication: New York Clarion Books, 1996 . 184 p. 22 cm. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jBaw] (1),
4. Ramona the Pest by Cleary, Beverly Publication: New York Scholastic Book Services 1968 . 144 p. 20 cm. Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jCle] (1),
5. Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth by Park, Barbara Publication: New York : Scholastic Inc., 1999 . 69 p. : 19 cm Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Book Cart (1),
6. Teach us, Amelia Bedelia by Parish, Peggy Publication: New York : Scholastic Inc., 1977 . 56 p. : , Series statement taken from cover. 21 cm. Date: 1977 Availability: Items available: (),
7. Report to the principal's office by Spinelli, Jerry frey50 Publication: Scholastic 1991 . 134p. , It looks like Plumstead Middle School may nevber by the sameafter Sunny, Eddie, alem and Pickles are all told to report to the principal's office. Date: 1991 Availability:
8. Thre great TV turnoff by Haynes, Betsy frey50 Publication: Bantam . 119p. , Everyone at Wakeman Junior High is addicted to television.At least that's what Kate believes when her mother launche s an unpopular campaign to get everyone to stop watching TV. Availability:
9. The Fabulous five minus one by Haynes, Betsy frey50 Publication: Bantam 1991 . 120p. , When Christie's father learns his job may be taking him andthe family to live in London, Christie doesn't think she can bear being separated from her friends and her new boyfriend. Date: 1991 Availability:
10. The dating game by William, Kate frey50 Publication: Bantam 1991 . 154p. , When Jean and her friend Claire compare the passionate loveletters they receive, they both realize their letters are from the same person. Date: 1991 Availability:
11. The perfect girl by William, Kate frey50 Publication: Bantam 1991 . 135p. , When Robin's boyfriend starts paying attention to someone ellse, Robin who once had a weight problem, decides she needs to be thinner. Date: 1991 Availability:
12. Brooke and her rock-star mom by Suzanne, Jamie frey50 Publication: Bantam 1991 . 135p. , Brooke fin ds it hard to keep the fact that her other is really Coco, a rock singer, a secret--especially when all her friends at school are going Coco crazy. Date: 1991 Availability:
13. Skateboard champion by Packard, Edward frey50 Publication: Bantam 1991 . 112p. , You and your family move to a new town and you must enter anew school where you notice a number of kids are members of a skateboarding clique, and you would like to join. Date: 1991 Availability:
14. The luckiest girl by Cleary, Beverly frey50 Publication: Avon 1991 . 224p. , Shelley is the new girl in school and is falling in love forthe first time, with the schools basketball star. Date: 1991 Availability:
15. Wayside school is falling down by Sachar, Louis frey50 Publication: Avon 1989 . 179p. Date: 1989 Availability:
16. Perfect or not, here I come by Holl, Kristi D. frey50 Publication: Troll 1986 . 146p. Date: 1986 Availability:
17. Stacey's ex-best friend by Martin, Ann M. frey50 Publication: Scholastic 1992 . 145p. , Stacey's best friend from New York, Laine Cummings, is coming for a visit and Stacey can't wait. Date: 1992 Availability:
18. Do bananas chew gum? by Gilson, Jamie frey50 Publication: New York Pocket Books 1980 . 158p. , Summary: Just when Sam is about to give up on his fifth school in seven years--things start finding the buried treasure underneath Mrs. Glass's tree. And taking all those weird tests. For the first time in his life, Sam Mott--not Dumbhead, Tinselteeth or Cutie--is learning to read and spell. And it's not bad at all. Date: 1980 Availability:
19. Space station seventh grade by Spinelli, Jerry frey50 Publication: Boston Little Brown 1982 . 232p. , Summary: Seventh-grader Jason narrates the events of his year, from school, hair, and pimples, to mothers, little brothers, and a girl. Date: 1982 Availability:
20. Sideways stories from Wayside School by Sachar, Louis frey50 Publication: New York Avon 1985 . 124p. , Summary: Humorous episodes from the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, which was accidentally built sideways with one classroom on each story. Date: 1985 Availability: