Waters, Rosa
Alcohol & tobacco Rosa Waters - Broomall, PA Mason Crest 2015 - 48 pages illustrations ; 28 cm. - Downside of drugs .
Explains about alcohol and tobacco, the downside of alcohol and tobacco use, effects on the body, why people become addicted, dangers and legal consequences, and more.
12 - 17 years
9781422230176 1422230171 9781422231906 9781422230176 9781422230176
Tobacco use.
Drug abuse.
Teenagers--Drug use.
j362.29 Wat 23
Alcohol & tobacco Rosa Waters - Broomall, PA Mason Crest 2015 - 48 pages illustrations ; 28 cm. - Downside of drugs .
Explains about alcohol and tobacco, the downside of alcohol and tobacco use, effects on the body, why people become addicted, dangers and legal consequences, and more.
12 - 17 years
9781422230176 1422230171 9781422231906 9781422230176 9781422230176
Tobacco use.
Drug abuse.
Teenagers--Drug use.
j362.29 Wat 23