Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Roads To Liberty: by Mason, F. van Wyck frey50 Publication: Boston, MA Little, Brown & Company 1968 . xvi, 752 p. Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [813.52 Mas] (1),
2. America in the time of Pocahontas by Isaacs, Sally Senzell Publication: Des Plaines, Ill. : Heinemann Library, 1998 . 48 p. : , Includes bibliographical references and index. 29 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [j973.2 Isa] (1),
3. Light and the glory by Marshall, Peter Publication: Tarrytown, New York Fleming H. Revell 1977 . 384 p. , Includes index. 24 cm. Date: 1977 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [209.73 Mar] (1),
4. Colonial Fights and Fighters by Brady, Cyrus Townsend Publication: New York Doubleday 1913 . 341 p. , Includes index Date: 1913 Availability: Items available: [j973.2 Bra] (1),
5. A history of the American people. Vol. 1 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 351 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
6. History of the American people Vol. 2 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 326 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Ell] (1),
7. History of the American people.Vol. III by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 343 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
8. History of the American people.Vol.4 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 353 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
9. History of the American people Vol. V by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 351 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
10. History of the American people.Vol VI by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 376 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
11. History of the American people Vol. VII by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 335 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
12. History of the American people Vol. VII by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 343 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
13. History of the American people Vol. 10 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 377 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: (),
14. Place called freedom by Follett, Ken Publication: New York : Crown Publishers, 1995 . 407 p. : , Map on lining papers. 25 cm. Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Fol] (1),
15. To the far blue mountains by L'Amour, Louis Publication: New York : Random House Audio, 1999 . 8 sound discs (9 hr., 30 min.) : , Compact disc. 4 3/4 in. Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [L'Am] (1),