Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Looking Back : A.C. Hoover - Raton, NM Raton Range January 4, 1979 - 1 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range 1-4-79 Looking Back .

Mater List Item # 81

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Newspaper + Photograph of A.C. Hoover

Article reads: Victor Grant of Cimarron has contributed many photos to the Raton Range's "Looking Back" series, but this is one of the more unusual views from his collection. A.C. Hover, a pioneer blacksmith of the early mining and cattle days in Colfax County, mends a wagon wheel in his blacksmith shop.

Hoover, A. C.

Wagon Wheels
Photograph Collections

Cimarron, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Cimarron 36