Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Cry of the thunderbird; (Record no. 7116)

Classification number 970.1 Cry
Item number 15
Classification number 970.1 Cry
Title Cry of the thunderbird;
Remainder of title American Indian's story.
Statement of responsibility, etc Edited by Charles Hamilton; Illustrations by George Catlin
Name of publisher, distributor, etc U. Okl. Press
Date of publication, distribution, etc 1972
Place of publication, distribution, etc Norman, OK
General note Includes Index and bibliography

Preface to the new ed. / Charles Hamilton --
Introduction --
Prologue / Chief Standing Bear --
Around the campfire: A Sioux courtship / Black Elk, Sioux ; The maidens' feast / Ohiyesa [Charles Eastman], Sioux ; Songs of Ojibway lovers ; Traditional advice on getting married / Anonymous, Winnebago ; Home and family / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Education of children / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; A Hopi childhood / Don C. Talayesva, Hopi ; Blanket signals / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Ojibway picture writing / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Telling of legends / Chief Elias Johnson, Tuscarora --
Game trails: Boyhood training in woodcraft / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; The boy hunter / Ohiyesa [Charles Eastman], Sioux ; Hunting laws / / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Deer hunting ritual Flaming Arrow, Pueblo ; Ways of hunting the deer / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; A buffalo hunt / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Killing a bear / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway --
Wilderness sports: Games of Sioux children / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; Hopi children at play / Don C. Talayesva, Hopi ; Games of eastern tribes / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Outdoor sports of the Plains Indians / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Whiskey sprees / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Temperance lessons / Chief Simon Pokagon, Pottawattami ; Fireside humor / Ohiyesa, Sioux --
The Great Spirit: Searching for a spiritual guide / Edward Goodbird, Hidatsa ; The gods of the Ojibways / Chief Ka-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Sacred song of the morning star / Tahirussawichi, Chaui-Pawnee ; The Sun Dance / Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, Croatan ; Getting in touch with the spirits / Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, Croatan ; Curing a wounded warrior / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; Marksmanship of a medicine man / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Witchcraft / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; Cannibalism among medicine men / William Warren, Ojibway ; The Peyote Cult / John Rave, Winnebago ; Burial customs / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; The Happy Hunting Grounds / William Warren, Ojibway --
On the warpath: Boyhood preparation for the warpath / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; Counting coup on a wounded buffalo / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; Making a war club and war whistle / Yellow Wolf, Nez Perce ; Scouting out the enemy / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Preparation for battle / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Battle tactics / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; A horse stealing raid / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; Burning at the stake / William Warren, Ojibway ; Stratagem of an Wyandott chief / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; Chivalry of the Ioways / Black Hawk, Sauk ; The courage of an old warrior / William Warren, Ojibway ; Origin of the Five Nations / Chief Elias Johnson, Tuscarora --
War belts on the old frontier: The warning of the bees / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; Arrival of the white man / Joseph Nicolar, Penobscot ; Captain John Smith and Powhatan / Chief Flying Hawk, Sioux ; The pilgrim invasion / William Apes, Pequod ; King Philip's War / William Apes, Pequod ; Germ warfare against the Indians / Chief Andrew J. Blackbird, Ottawa ; The capture of Fort Michilimackinac / William Warren ; Logan defends his conduct / Chief James Logan, Cayuga --
Fighting the Long Knives: With the British in the Revolution / Chief Hopocan, Delaware ; Colonel Crawford burned at the stake / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; An attack on a flatboat / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; The British campaign in the Northwest / Black Hawk, Sauk ; The invasion of Canada / William Apes, Pequod ; The Ojibways remain neutral / William Warren, Ojibway ; "We are determined to defend our lands" / Tecumseh, Shawnee ; The surrender of William Weatherford / William Weatherford, Creek ; The Black Hawk War / Black Hawk, Sauk --
Covered wagons and iron horses: Attacking the Union Pacific ; The Wagon Box Fight ; Fighting the Mexicans ; The retreat of the Nez Perces / Chief Joseph, Nez Perce ; The last stand of the Nez Perces / Yellow Wolf, Nez Perce ; The surrender speech of Chief Joseph ; The courage of Sitting Bull / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; Sitting Bull defends his character ; Custer warned by his Indian scouts / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; The Custer battle ; Looting after the Custer battle / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Why the Indians fought Custer / Sitting Bull, Sioux ; The Ghost Dance religion / Masse Hadjo, Sioux ; The massacre at Wounded Knee / Turning Hawk, and others, Sioux --
The white man's road: Mysterious medicine of the white man / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; The character of the white man / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; How the white man fights / Black Hawk, Sauk ; The symbol of extinction / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; The white man's lack of sense / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; A tour of the East / Black Hawk, Sauk ; At the St. Louis World's Fair / Geronimo, Apache; Impressions of the English / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; Impressions of the French / Chief Maungwadaus, Ojibway ; A visit to Grandmother England [Queen Victoria] / Black Elk, Sioux ; A Sioux at Dartmouth / Ohiyesa [Charles Eastman], Sioux --
Early days at Carlisle / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Red Jacket denounces the black-coats / Red Jacket, Seneca ; Murder of an Indian seminarist / Chief Andrew J. Blackbird, Ottawa ; Confusion of the white man's religion / Chief Spotted Tail, Sioux ; Sequoyah and the Cherokee alphabet / John Ridge, Cherokee ; The Indian problem / Chief Standing Bear ; The Indians' appeal for justice / Chief Joseph, Nez Perce ; The future of the Indian / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux --
Epilogue / William J. Harsha --
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC.
Summary, etc The personal narratives of Indians from various tribes reveal their ways of life as well as their attitudes toward nature and man.
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Indians of
General subdivision Social life and customs.
Geographic subdivision North America
Relator code Ed.
Personal name Hamilton, Charles
Relator code Ill
Personal name Catlin, George
Source of classification or shelving scheme
Koha item type 900 - 999
Lost status Source of classification or shelving scheme Permanent Location Current Location Shelving location Cost, normal purchase price Total Checkouts Full call number Barcode Date last seen Date checked out Public note
    Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Book Cart 6.76 2 970.1 Cry 39226 2019-08-28 2019-08-14 In Memory of : Loyd Wilkins Sr.