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Includes Index and bibliography
Preface to the new ed. / Charles Hamilton --
Introduction --
Prologue / Chief Standing Bear --
Around the campfire: A Sioux courtship / Black Elk, Sioux ; The maidens' feast / Ohiyesa [Charles Eastman], Sioux ; Songs of Ojibway lovers ; Traditional advice on getting married / Anonymous, Winnebago ; Home and family / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Education of children / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; A Hopi childhood / Don C. Talayesva, Hopi ; Blanket signals / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Ojibway picture writing / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Telling of legends / Chief Elias Johnson, Tuscarora --
Game trails: Boyhood training in woodcraft / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; The boy hunter / Ohiyesa [Charles Eastman], Sioux ; Hunting laws / / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Deer hunting ritual Flaming Arrow, Pueblo ; Ways of hunting the deer / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; A buffalo hunt / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Killing a bear / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway --
Wilderness sports: Games of Sioux children / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; Hopi children at play / Don C. Talayesva, Hopi ; Games of eastern tribes / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Outdoor sports of the Plains Indians / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Whiskey sprees / Chief Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Temperance lessons / Chief Simon Pokagon, Pottawattami ; Fireside humor / Ohiyesa, Sioux --
The Great Spirit: Searching for a spiritual guide / Edward Goodbird, Hidatsa ; The gods of the Ojibways / Chief Ka-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Ojibway ; Sacred song of the morning star / Tahirussawichi, Chaui-Pawnee ; The Sun Dance / Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, Croatan ; Getting in touch with the spirits / Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, Croatan ; Curing a wounded warrior / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; Marksmanship of a medicine man / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Witchcraft / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; Cannibalism among medicine men / William Warren, Ojibway ; The Peyote Cult / John Rave, Winnebago ; Burial customs / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; The Happy Hunting Grounds / William Warren, Ojibway --
On the warpath: Boyhood preparation for the warpath / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; Counting coup on a wounded buffalo / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; Making a war club and war whistle / Yellow Wolf, Nez Perce ; Scouting out the enemy / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Preparation for battle / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Battle tactics / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; A horse stealing raid / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; Burning at the stake / William Warren, Ojibway ; Stratagem of an Wyandott chief / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; Chivalry of the Ioways / Black Hawk, Sauk ; The courage of an old warrior / William Warren, Ojibway ; Origin of the Five Nations / Chief Elias Johnson, Tuscarora --
War belts on the old frontier: The warning of the bees / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; Arrival of the white man / Joseph Nicolar, Penobscot ; Captain John Smith and Powhatan / Chief Flying Hawk, Sioux ; The pilgrim invasion / William Apes, Pequod ; King Philip's War / William Apes, Pequod ; Germ warfare against the Indians / Chief Andrew J. Blackbird, Ottawa ; The capture of Fort Michilimackinac / William Warren ; Logan defends his conduct / Chief James Logan, Cayuga --
Fighting the Long Knives: With the British in the Revolution / Chief Hopocan, Delaware ; Colonel Crawford burned at the stake / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; An attack on a flatboat / Peter D. Clarke, Wyandott ; The British campaign in the Northwest / Black Hawk, Sauk ; The invasion of Canada / William Apes, Pequod ; The Ojibways remain neutral / William Warren, Ojibway ; "We are determined to defend our lands" / Tecumseh, Shawnee ; The surrender of William Weatherford / William Weatherford, Creek ; The Black Hawk War / Black Hawk, Sauk --
Covered wagons and iron horses: Attacking the Union Pacific ; The Wagon Box Fight ; Fighting the Mexicans ; The retreat of the Nez Perces / Chief Joseph, Nez Perce ; The last stand of the Nez Perces / Yellow Wolf, Nez Perce ; The surrender speech of Chief Joseph ; The courage of Sitting Bull / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; Sitting Bull defends his character ; Custer warned by his Indian scouts / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; The Custer battle ; Looting after the Custer battle / Wooden Leg, Cheyenne ; Why the Indians fought Custer / Sitting Bull, Sioux ; The Ghost Dance religion / Masse Hadjo, Sioux ; The massacre at Wounded Knee / Turning Hawk, and others, Sioux --
The white man's road: Mysterious medicine of the white man / Ohiyesa, Sioux ; The character of the white man / Chief Plenty-Coups, Crow ; How the white man fights / Black Hawk, Sauk ; The symbol of extinction / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; The white man's lack of sense / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; A tour of the East / Black Hawk, Sauk ; At the St. Louis World's Fair / Geronimo, Apache; Impressions of the English / Chief Kahkewaquonaby, Ojibway ; Impressions of the French / Chief Maungwadaus, Ojibway ; A visit to Grandmother England [Queen Victoria] / Black Elk, Sioux ; A Sioux at Dartmouth / Ohiyesa [Charles Eastman], Sioux --
Early days at Carlisle / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux ; Red Jacket denounces the black-coats / Red Jacket, Seneca ; Murder of an Indian seminarist / Chief Andrew J. Blackbird, Ottawa ; Confusion of the white man's religion / Chief Spotted Tail, Sioux ; Sequoyah and the Cherokee alphabet / John Ridge, Cherokee ; The Indian problem / Chief Standing Bear ; The Indians' appeal for justice / Chief Joseph, Nez Perce ; The future of the Indian / Chief Standing Bear, Sioux --
Epilogue / William J. Harsha --
The personal narratives of Indians from various tribes reveal their ways of life as well as their attitudes toward nature and man.