Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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21. The Medici, by Young, G. F. Publication: New York, The Modern Library 1930 . xxi, [3], 824 p. , Some printings have statement on t.p. verso: First Modern Library edition 1930. | "Bound for The Modern Library by H. Wolff" -- T.p. verso. 17 cm. Date: 1930 Availability: Items available: [945.51050922 You] (1),
22. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin Publication: New York Modern Library 1944 . xix, 264 p. Date: 1944 Availability: Items available: [973.3092 Fra] (1),
23. ORACLES OF NOSTRADAMUS by WARD, CHARLES A frey50 Publication: MODERN LIBRARY 1940 Date: 1940 Availability: Items available: (1),
24. The complete works of Tacitus by Tacitus, Cornelius frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1942 . 773 pages , includes genealogical table Date: 1942 Availability: Items available: [870.8 Tac] (1),
25. The Naked and the Dead / by Mailer, Norman frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1948 . 721 p. Date: 1948 Availability: Items available: [Mai] (1),
26. The decameron by Boccaccio, Giovanni frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1955 . 666 p. , Translated from Italian Date: 1955 Availability: Items available: [853.15 Boc] (1),
27. Eleven plays of Henrik Ibsen by Ibsen, Henrik frey50 Publication: The Modern Library . 1185 p. Availability: Items available: [839.8 Ibs] (1),
28. The Gallic War by Caesar, Julius frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1957 . 363 pages Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: [878 Cae] (1),
29. The lives of the twelve Caesars by Suetonius Publication: New York Modern Library 1959 . 361 p. Date: 1959 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [937.070922 Sue] (1),
30. Basic Writings of C. G. Jung by Jung, Carl Gustav Publication: New York Modern Library 1959 . 552 p. Date: 1959 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [131.34 Jun] (1),
31. The Emporer Jones / Anna Christie / The Hairy Ape by O'Neill, Eugene frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1949 . 260 p. , Eugene O'neill is a winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Date: 1949 Availability: Items available: [812 O'Ne] (1),
32. Camille by Dumas, Alexandre Publication: Modern Library Availability: Items available: [Dum] (1),
33. Philosophy of Schopenhauer by Schopenhauer, Arthur Publication: New York Modern Library 1928 . xiv, 376 p. Date: 1928 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [193 Sch] (1),
34. Notebooks by Camus, Albert frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1963 . 224 p. , includes Biographical note Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [848 Cam] (1),
35. An Anthology of famous English and American Poetry by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1945 . 961 p. Date: 1945 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [808.81 Ant] (1),
36. 6 Plays by Rodgers and Hammerstein by Rodgers, Richard frey50 Publication: New York The Modern Library 1953 . 527 p. Date: 1953 Availability: Items available: [812 Rod] (1),
37. The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. by Symonds, John Addington Publication: 1928? Modern Library . 544 p Availability: Items available: [927 Sym] (1),
38. The Republic by Plato Publication: New York, Modern Library 1941 . 397 p. , "First Modern library edition, 1941." Date: 1941 Availability: Items available: Processing Center [888.4 Pla] (1),
39. THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA by NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH frey50 Publication: MODERN LIBRARY Availability: Items available: (),
40. Light in August by Faulkner, William frey50 Publication: Modern Library 1959 Date: 1959 Availability: Items available: Book Cart (1),